*** ICWL League Match Registration ***

*** OWA Calendar and Schedule ***



OWA Registration Information

*** Now Featuring OWA Online Registration ***

WHO: Students in Grades 1st - 8th

WHERE: Online 

WHY Wrestling?

                    •Self Discipline and Motivation
                    •Physical Fitness/Body Awareness/Coordination
                    •Fun within a Team Atmosphere
                    •Self Defense


Dates To Remember

  • TBD


*** OWA Practice Information ***

OWA Practices: 
Begin TBD
  • Schedule, Times, and Practice Groups are TBA

**If practice is cancelled or changed, OWA will contact parents/wrestlers**


December 10, 2023 - OWA Rock-n-Roll Round Robin tournament at Oxford Area High School Gymnasium, 705 Waterway Road, 
Oxford, PA 19363  -- 8 AM Start 


Oxford Round-Robin Tournament Basics


Etiquette for the Wrestling Parent

   There are few things in this world that are more difficult to do than watch your child wrestle. To help the parents of our wrestlers get through the season gracefully, we offer the following guidelines:

   1. Your wrestler wants to have you there. It is important to him even if he doesn't say it. Whenever possible, be there for him.

   2. Do not expect your child to win every (or any) match. It is your duty as a parent to give your child a big hug after every match, WIN or LOSE. If you cannot do that and winning is more important to you than showing your child that you love him or her no matter what, then disregard item #1. Your child wants to win. It's more fun than losing. But if your wrestler thinks that their losses are a bitter disappointment to their parents, not just a learning experience for them, they will not enjoy or participate in sports for long.

   3. Let the coaches coach your wrestler. It is your job as the parent to be your child's biggest fan. Encourage them, listen to them, but be careful about suggesting ways that they can improve their wrestling. Too many suggestions may make them feel that you are not satisfied with them, or are disappointed with them. The coaches usually have an accurate idea of the things your wrestler needs to learn, and is in a better position to teach your child. Your job is to be their parent.

   4. Try to stay calm. Remember that in 20 years you will not remember which matches were won or lost. You will remember that your wrestler learned many important lessons about life as well as about sports, and had a lot of fun in the process.

   5. Read these guidelines at least once before every match and tournament!


If school is canceled or lets out early due to snow or ice, there will be NO wrestling practice that day.
General rule of thumb, no school, no practice.

Will Smith - Manager


Jeremy McKinney 

Kyle Moran

Joel Hernandez
Attire and Hygiene

 -- Your child should wear shorts and a t-shirt for practices. Wrestling shoes and headgear are recommended and can be purchased at local sporting goods stores. 

--  No sneakers or other shoes are allowed on the mats. 

--  Please do not have your child wear their wrestling shoes to practice; have them wear sneakers and change into their wrestling shoes at practice. Keeping the wrestling mats clean of dirt, debris and germs is extremely important. We clean the mats before every practice. Please help us to continue to keep them clean and in good condition. 

--  Your child will have the opportunity to purchase a wrestling singlet at the time of registration. If your child has a singlet from a past season or was handed-down to them, they are welcome to wear them too.  Singlets are to be worn for meets and tournaments only.

-- As of the 2016-17 season, wrestlers are now allowed to compete in MMA Shorts and a Compression Shirt in ICWL League Matches (i.e. No Singlets)  

--  Please make sure to have your child shower with an anti-bacterial soap after all practices, meets and tournaments.


Dear Parents,

  The question of tournament fees has been questioned by several parents; I’d like to address this issue. Tournaments cost money – period. The OWA can not afford to pay for each wrestler’s registration fee for every tournament – we have not done this in the past and we will not do it in the future. However, if you have a financial burden and your child wants to participate, we will pay 99% of the time.  

  On another note, the only way your wrestler will be able to experience quality competition and determine how good he really is will be to attend tournaments where you are not segregated by experience – just weight and age. This will be a true determination of how “good” your child is. The ICWL (our league) will pair your wrestler with another who is his age, weight, and experience level which is a great way to start off a young wrestler’s competitive career. However, to excel, you must “sharpen iron with iron.” You must get your butt kicked and be able to come back for more and look to improve. This will cost you money! It will cost you money, time, and your weekends but if you stay the course and compete in the events that we advertise – YOU and your child may just begin to realize why wrestling is the greatest sport on earth.